The Ge Pristina will reshape the mammography experience with comfort, confidence, and clarity. We believe it’s time to improve the entire mammography experience. We aim to ease patients’ anxieties, make our technologists’ jobs easier and help radiologists diagnose with greater confidence.
Rethinking Patient Comfort
The new gentle, rounded edges of the detector can reduce discomfort and may also help reduce anxiety for patients. The soft armrests have replaced the typical hand grips. Patients can lean comfortably on the armrests relaxing their muscles to simplify compression and image acquisition. In addition, the Senographe Pristina includes specialized paddles such as the flex paddle that can tilt to adapt to women’s varying form and the implant paddle is specifically for breast implants as well as small breasts.
The American Cancer Society's estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2023 are: About 297,790 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. About 55,720 new cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) will be diagnosed.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in the United States, except for skin cancers. It is about 30% (or 1 in 3) of all new female cancers each year. https://www.cancer.org/
Breast cancer mainly occurs in middle-aged and older women. The median age at the time of breast cancer diagnosis is 62. This means half of the women who developed breast cancer are 62 years of age or younger when they are diagnosed. A smaller number of women diagnosed with breast cancer are younger than 45.
Overall, the average risk of a woman in the United States developing breast cancer sometime in her life is about 13%. This means there is a 1 in 8 chance she will develop breast cancer. This also means there is a 7 in 8 chance she will never have the disease.
Patient comfort eases positioning!
Anxious patients are more prone to moving and contracting muscles, creating challenges for technologists to position them appropriately. By making patients more comfortable during the exam, technologists can then focus on more suitable positioning, enabling a faster and smoother experience for both the patient and technologist.
Clarity for radiologists
Clear images for accurate diagnosis, Pristina sets the bar for diagnostic confidence and performance, leveraging the Senographe’s widely recognized image quality. GE Digital Breast Tomosynthesis delivers superior diagnostic accuracy at the same dose as 2D FFDM (FULL FIELD DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY), the lowest patient dose of all FDA approved DBT(DIGITAL BREAST TOMOSYNTHESIS).